Meet Greg Mattlin, one of bb7’s  Business Development Managers who loves meeting new people, visiting new places, and exploring new opportunities.

Greg’s favorite part about working at bb7 is opening new doors and connecting the dots – his role is all about bringing in new opportunities. Building relationships and establishing rapport with people is important for success in any business. Working to find that common link between himself and someone’s alma mater, hometown, or a mutual connection on LinkedIn can often be the difference of getting your foot in the door with a new company or not. “The world is a small place and it’s so cool!” says Greg. “Having lived a couple of years just south of San Francisco and frequently visiting Austin, TX, it’s amazing to see the people, businesses, and tech firms tied together between Madison, Austin, and San Francisco.”

Greg also loves to tell people about bb7 and what he does. He is often asked, “Who is bb7?” To which he typically answers, “We’re an engineering product development firm that works with companies to develop new products, technologies, and innovations.” A more complex answer includes tidbits about designing for the U.S. Olympic luge team, a former world number one and current PGA tour golfer, or collaborating with the #1 ranked hospital in the world.

Greg has been in a business development or sales roles since college. During the summer of his sophomore year at UW Madison, he decided to participate in a summer sales and leadership program with the Southwestern Family of Companies in Nashville. Greg met hundreds of like-minded and motivated college students from across the country who came to hear some of the top sales and motivational speakers – this jump-started his business development career.

Outside of work Greg enjoys traveling and staying active. He’s fortunate to have good friends in cool places like Nashville, Denver, Austin, San Diego, Kansas City, Phoenix, and San Francisco and tries to visit once a year. He also has family and friends in his hometown of Stevens Point (shout out to SP), cousins all over the state, and relatives in Upper Michigan. Greg has visited 48 states and needs to visit Alaska and South Carolina to complete his tour of the United States. “How do you visit North Carolina five different times and never make it down to South Carolina?” jokes Greg.

Greg’s personality is one of a kind – his passion for connecting with people and exploring opportunities make him perfect for his role in business development, and he lights up any room he walks into. ✈️🤝🏊‍♂️