Meet Alex, our  embedded systems engineering intern who thrives on diversity of projects and the constant need for innovative problem-solving.

As a kid, Alex dreamed of designing roller coasters. That interest evolved into engineering after taking his first embedded systems course. Embedded systems engineering is a marriage of the electrical work he performed in the Navy and computer engineering, and this  unique combination of skills has shaped Alex’s career and expertise.

Throughout his career, Alex has learned valuable lessons about balancing work and personal well-being. “Know your limits so you can perform well and take care of yourself. New grads tend to say, ‘Yes, I can do that,’ and overcommit,” he advises.

Alex shares a passion for making a positive impact and his desire to contribute meaningful and impactful work. His dream project would be to work on something that improves the lives of those with disabilities.

Outside work, Alex has a diverse range of interests. He plays the drums and has performed in rock bands, symphonies, and drum lines. When asked by his parents in high school if he wanted a car or a drum set, he chose the drum set and has carried it around the world with him ever since. Alex also enjoys running and says it’s meditative. While in the Navy, he participated in the Ragnar run, a 200-mile continuous relay race with 12 people. He even helped organize and participated in a half marathon on a nuclear submarine while at sea!

Alex is from Bloomington, Illinois, but has lived all over the country, and the world. He has spent time in Charleston, SC, and in the Seattle area while stationed on a submarine. He was also stationed in Guam while in the Navy and lived in Texas while working for NASA. He says the second-best part of working at NASA was all the great Texas BBQ!

Alex’s journey reflects his dedication and dynamic approach, making him a welcome part of the bb7 team! 💻🥁🎢